When it comes to public opinion, Dallas Cowboys fans have been accused of being a great many things. They have been called fair weather fans, bandwagon fans, spoiled, annoying, and in some instances have even been described as “the worst“. Of all the adjectives used to describe Cowboys fans, loyal is not one that is thrown out there very often. Despite that, a recent study courtesy of bookies.com ranked the most and least loyal fanbases in the NFL and the Dallas Cowboys fans were rated the MOST loyal fans in the entire league.
Those results may not come as a surprise to Dallas Cowboys fans around the country, but it may be surprising to fans of every other team across the NFL. Other teams’ fans look at the Dallas Cowboys and think of a team that is cheered on by an entitled group of supporters that have experienced 5 Super Bowl championships and have some sort of superiority complex. Others think of Cowboys fans as a collection of casual fans that root for the team simply because they are marketable and trendy, similar to Yankee fans, and Lakers fans.
When most people think of loyal fanbases, they look to the smaller market teams that have been around for a while but have had little success such as the Detroit Lions or the Cleveland Browns. Little do they know that there is an entire generation of Cowboys fans who have suffered through the same mediocrity and disappointment as the fans of those unfortunate teams. The Cowboys, like the Browns and Lions, have not appeared in a conference championship game in over a quarter of a century. The difference between those teams and the Dallas Cowboys is that Cowboy games remain the hottest ticket and the biggest draw on television. Despite the failures of the past 27 years, the Cowboys proudly remain “America’s Team”.
In lieu of this groundbreaking study Cowboys fans far and wide and from every corner of the United States and beyond its borders should bear this in mind…They can call you spoiled, entitled, annoying, or “the worst”; but, they can never question your loyalty.
*Photo by Joe Glorioso https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode